Meninism and Equality.
There’s something about this word that snags my attention.
Maybe it’s because it’s relatively new. Everyone around me seems to share the
habit of using words enough times to make them ring hollow. That is the
inevitable fate of this word too. Like its counterpart it will trend in very
twitter hashtag until you feel obliged to acknowledge its existence.Soon
you’ll be one of the already surging masses labeling themselves as a “meninist"(no
joke this is seriously the name they use) without having any clue whatsoever
as to what it means.
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(my reaction) |
Just for the sake of keeping this blog clean lets not talk about this category.
Definition two:
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(when you finally understand that maths word problem) |
So assuming this as the actual definition (seeing as I’m not overly keen on wasting my energy over things that are negative enough that they could never be worth any sane person) let’s get a common misconception out of the way:
Both feminism and meninism advocate equality. The followers of both movements preach of a better world with gender neutrality.So essentially despite the seemingly opposing nature of their names they have the same objectives. Keeping this in mind it won’t be too eccentric to assume that one can be both feminist and meninist at the same time. In fact it is impossible for anyone to be confined to only one of these two movements as at the end of the day their crux is the very same.
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The thought of women confined to their houses and forced to contribute to society only through their child-bearing and upbringing abilities against their free will is repulsive to nearly everyone. Within this fact lies every feminist’s pride and triumph.
But who is here to take responsibility for the opposite gender? Why don’t we feel ashamed when men open doors for us? Not an echo of remorse when they offer to pay our bills?Not even an ember of doubt when we ring them up to lift furniture for us?
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(Guilty as charged.) |
The word you’re thinking of right now?
Right that one.
When I think of beliefs I think in colours, do you know which colour equality is? Its black.The complete unrelenting kind that doesn't absorb any other colours, that refuses to bear semblance to any other of its distant relatives. It evades purple tinged love.Does everything in its power to avoid pulsating orange warmth during family dinners. And is scarcely at speaking terms with decent beige etiquettes.
If you speak of equality that is how you should be. Firm and unrelenting.In other words? No exceptions.
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(Understood?) |
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(You really asked for it this time.) |
Remember that time when he scraped his knee and started crying? What reason did you give him to stop? Right “Men don’t cry”.
Remember that time when he wanted to stay indoors but you shoved him outside with his first ball? What did you tell him this time? “You won’t have any friends if you don’t play.”
Remember when he held hands with his best mate and the rumors doubting his sexuality spread through elementary school like wildfire? Because “Boys don’t hold hands”
Remember when he was upset after losing his first official match and he sought solace in you? What did you tell him? Something along the lines of “manning up”?
Remember the moment he talked about his emotions and you questioned his “manliness”?
Remember that entire week you didn't text back? When you pronounced him of being an “emotionless monster” for not texting you goodnight?
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(How dare he put a basic necessity before me? THIS MEANS WAR!) |
I admit, it is really easy to forget. Special credit goes to men , who are unable to remind us of how unfair we get due to the sanctions society places upon them for revealing an ounce of humanity through their raised voices.
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(You know i HAD to.) |
“Men don’t cry” as if crying is a weakness.“Sports are what men do” as if women are made of glass.
“Don’t be a drama queen” as if all girls are born plastics.
“You fight like a girl” as if being a girl gives you an automatic disadvantage during combats.
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(Just incase someone needed proof.) |
We think of men as a different species while demanding equal rights. We consider them incapable of emotions while teaching them not to be vocal. We deprive them of sentiments and then feign alarm at their sheer monstrosity.
In a world this twisted its just wrong to think of ourselves-feminist or meninist- as innocent.Everyone makes mistakes, the sooner we realize how flawed we are -how majorly we have contributed to this our self-destruction by pursuing destruction as a means to construct a better future-the sooner we can actually attain fulfillment.
If there’s one thing I have realized its that all of us are
victims in our own way , gender and ethnicity playing a minor role when compared
to the one we orchestrate ourselves.
Sometimes when the lights go out and the despair rises we tell ourselves that it’s out of our hands. We convince ourselves that we aren't big enough for this, aren't strong enough to fight with the sheer size of the Earth, not brave enough to go against countless others.
What we forget is that we are the world. What we forget is that we do matter. What we forget is that its only a matter of switching the light back on.
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