Freeing Finality:
It's done. You're done.The sealed envelope. Firmly pressed lips. Unchanging brutal reality. Depleted energy levels. A half-hearted search for the memory of hope. And that's it. (Book ref#1) You tell yourself you need a moment. The moment turns into a day.You shut your windows, lock the door and turn the lights off. You crawl under the covers and will time itself to stop. (This is me pretending that I'm a diversified person who listens to all types of songs.) The world catches up with the best of us. It happens. And it happens all the time. If death were music it would be your heartbeat .Fading when you're occupied and hammering against your skull when you least want it to. But always there. . If depression were a dance it would be your breath. Overlooked and underestimated. Shallow and small. Escaping but not leaving. Never leaving. But always there. If souls were visions they would be smiles. Bleeding and broken an...